Our Services
We offer a range of services to help your business or project succeed.
Website Development
We'll create a responsive website for you using Next.js. You'll have full source code access.
This does not include web hosting.Database Schema Designs
Our team will create a database schema for Prisma or Drizzle based on your needs and required fields.
Our Projects
We've been working on a lot of projects and would love to share them!
Nexirift is an upcoming social media site. The main source code is unavailable but you can view our custom authentication plugin.
FreePOS Deprecated
FreePOS is a POS system made for businesses. We released the source code since we decided against continuing it.
RED7Community Deprecated
RED7Community is an open-source community software. It features a catalog with customisable items.
Contact Us
Get in contact with us and sort out a service or upcoming project!
Sorry, but we are not accepting any inquires at this time.
You can contact Mitchell on GitHub in regards to questions.